
Snowmobiles, quilting and barges? These are not really related, except to my weekend. On Sat. morning, my brother-in-law dropped the top package off at our house at 7:40 am. (the package wasn't a suprise, the timing was a little one...Brandon and I aren't the biggest morning people) We live in urban america and there is no snow on the ground, so it looked a bit funny.

The middle picture is my new project - Grandma's birthday/house warming gift (Carol Ann, don't tell her...unless she is reading my blog, then Happy Birthday Grandma!) She just sold all of her stuff, so she needs a bitty on the wall.

And I saw a barge today. I've never seen one in the journeys across the river. This one was really long and fast! I didn't know they were so speedy...always wonder where they are going - not to the ocean, becuase it was headed up the river. Bemidji maybe?

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